One Woman Killed Every 11 Minutes

One Woman Killed Every 11 Minutes

Globally, an estimated 736 million women, one in three, have been subjected to some form of physical and/or sexual violence, at least once in their life. This includes intimate partner violence, sexual violence and harassment, human trafficking, female genital mutilation, and child marriage. While gender-based violence can happen to anyone, anywhere, some women and girls are particularly vulnerable. This vulnerability is increased by several factors including age, but also migration status, ethnic and religious identity, disability, and many more.

The most recent global estimates from the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime show that, on average, more than 5 women or girls are killed every hour (or one every 11 minutes) by someone in their own family. In 2020, approximately 47,000 women and girls were killed worldwide by their intimate partners or other family members. Asia is the region with the highest number of victims in absolute terms, with an estimated 18,600 victims. Africa is the region with the highest level relative to the size of its female population.

Gender-based violence and abuse are also not foreign to online spaces. Economist Intelligence Unit, the research and analysis division of the Economist Group, found that 38% of women have had personal experiences of online violence, and 85% of women who spend time online have witnessed digital violence against other women. According to the research, the Covid-19 pandemic worsened this situation as women spend more time online, increasing their exposure to threats.

With the new campaign, “Invest to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls”, the U.N. suggests that the solution lies in robust responses, including investment in prevention.

Source: Forbes Magazine Dr. Ewelina U. Ochab


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