Ruth Yared
African View December 12, 2023
COP is where the world comes together to agree on ways to address the climate crisis, such as limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, helping vulnerable communities adapt to the effects of climate change, and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
Model African Union offers a unique opportunity for African Youth to study and familiarize themselves with the African Union through simulating the AU decision making process. This is said to enhance the leadership and decision-making capabilities of African youth, and educate them through practice on diplomatic behavior through negotiation, consensus building and compromise. Model AU-Ethiopia participated in the Pre-COP28 recently.
The youth stimulation conference was held at Addis Ababa Aya hotel on Friday December 8. The role of youth in the climate change was discussed at the conference. The youth attending the event represented various nations and as such raised pertinent issues concerning their assigned countries. Green jobs, funding, responsibilities of developed countries, adaptation, and many more points were mentioned during the opening ceremony and the simulation conference.
The conferences was launched in the presence of Ahmed Amir Salah, Egypt Permanent Mission to AU Negotiator for COP27 Presidency Team; Mr. Patrick DuPont, Head of Political Section – EU Delegation to the African Union, John Yohanes, Co- Founder of MAU-E.
Bemnet Negussie, first Secretary and Youth Coordinator of Model Africa Union-Ethiopia on the occasion stated that the youth engagement and the simulation is an ideal platform for future leaders of Africa.
The two day event is one of many youth empowerment programs organized by Model African Union- Ethiopia.