African Snapshot: Angola
rapidly growing South African state, Angola has many natural resources including diamond, fossil
fuel, gold and a diversity of wildlife.
country has been under Portuguese colony since the 16th century and
got its independence in 1975. Hence the culture of Angola is said to be
influenced by Portuguese and the national language is obviously Portuguese. However
this piece is designated to one of their fascinating culture Semba. You might
have heard about Samba which is a popular dance from Brazil. Well it is said
that during the colonial era the Portuguese colonizers took slaves from Angola
to Brazil, and so these slaves took the dance of Semba to Brazil. It is said
that the dance originated from this African nation, Angola.
Semba is a traditional type of musical genre and dance style. Semba means touch of the bellies which
is one of the most recognizable and entertaining movements in Semba.
other fascinating dance movement I found interesting is the carrying of the
male partner. I guess the woman that dance Semba have to be strong.
is not just a music genre or dance style, it is an instrument of storytelling
on the everyday life, social events and activities, usually sung in witty
lyrics. Through Semba music an artist is able to convey a broad spectrum of
emotions. Its adaptability is evident in its presence at funerals, weddings and parties.
is becoming more popular in Angola and around the world today. And I must say I
am fascinated by it.